新肯辛顿 event to ‘launch’ students' professional development

Campus-exclusive event brings networking, 40+ alumni to Pittsburgh

Rachel Holder speaks with another student during a practice professional networking session. The activity was part of the 2019 领导人发射 conference organized by 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校's Office of 职业服务. 2020年的活动定于2月6日举行. 8, and tickets are available for students and recent alumni at the campus' 学术和职业成功中心.


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. ——当前 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 students and recent graduates will have the opportunity to meet more than 40 Penn State alumni, 包括以前的国际学生, at 领导人发射, a campus-exclusive professional development conference on Feb. 7.

"Every student is going to find one-on-one opportunities to interact with someone who is doing what they might want to do.”

-- Jim Shields, associate director of career services

据吉姆·希尔兹说, associate director of career services at the campus, many students he advises are consistently seeking opportunities to speak with those who can offer advice about their majors and job outlook.

Shields said some of the most common statements made by students include, “I wish I could talk to somebody about what my possibilities are; I wish I could talk to somebody who was in my major about what they’re doing now.”

即将到来的, conference-style event aims to offer helpful workshops, 也有机会拓展人脉. It is also part of an initiative of campus Chancellor Kevin Snider, Shields and other faculty and staff members working to increase the exposure of professional experiences and workplace etiquette preparation for students so they can strengthen skills such as communication, 协作, 适应性和创造性思维, which can be used now and in their future careers.   

“[They] will have multiple opportunities to hear from professional people in their fields and interact with alumni who graduated from Penn State and our campus,希尔兹说。, 谁还要组织活动. “It’s all about students having the opportunity to make connections face-to-face. Even though we are in such an electronically-connected society where people are in communication all the time, 说到握手, 与人见面并自我介绍, those opportunities are becoming increasingly rare.”

领导人发射 will begin with an on-campus luncheon, before students depart by bus for the 宾州州立大学匹兹堡中心. The conference-style event will include a combination of presentations and interactive “break-out sessions” so that students can practice their in-person networking skills, learn about job opportunities and internships, and make contact with alumni and representatives from employers in the Pittsburgh area. 也, for the first time in its seven-year history, 国际校友, representing global advancements for students, 都会出席. 会议结束后, participants will be transported to the TRYP Hotel in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of the city to further network and interact with alumni and guests during a formal dinner setting.

“Everybody is there to help the students,” mentioned Shields. “I’ve been really excited about the response from both students and alumni. Every student is going to find one-on-one opportunities to interact with someone who is doing what they might want to do.”

Tickets for 领导人发射 are available and include all meals and transportation to and from the city. Students can find out more information about the event at newkensington.事业单位.edu/leader-launch 并在校园内购票。” 学术和职业成功中心.

Anthony Palyszeski, a communications student at 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校, contributed to this story.

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