
Female wearing virtual reality headset

Olivia Ahr, student at Penn State New Kensington, 在宾州州立大学新肯辛顿校区,通过Media Commons尝试虚拟现实(VR)技术. 2019年10月的校园艺术画廊展览将利用VR技术,展示9种独特的沉浸式体验.

Credit: Rebecca Dietrich

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. ——想象一下走进梵高的《免费mg不朽情缘试玩》,漫步在莫奈画的花园中,或者让整个房间作为你自己的杰作的画布. Throughout October, Penn State New Kensington 校园和社区成员被邀请做这些事情,并通过参观校园艺术画廊的独特和身临其境的展览来连接技术和艺术.

“这是一种真正的身临其境的感觉,甚至比盯着墙上的2d图像更能让观众感受到,” said Shane Terrell, sales director for VirtualRealityRental.该公司是一家虚拟现实(VR)娱乐和体验公司.

At the New Kensington campus, 九种体验可供客人享受, 创造自己的艺术,或者从内部观看著名的艺术作品.

此次展览将包括梵高作品在内的6个三维影像体验, Monet and Dali.

“想象一下,戴上无绳耳机,坐在舒适的椅子上,被带入一些经典作品或重现的梵高世界,” explained Terrell.

In addition, three room-scale, interactive encounters will be available, 包括该公司最受欢迎的产品之一, Tilt Brush, 让客人创造和捕捉自己的艺术, using the entire room as the canvas.

“You can get up and active, 抓一些棍子(变成画笔),让你的想象力在已经建立的酷背景或完全空白的画布上创造,” he said. “有了电子保存所有作品的能力, they can be put on display utilizing various monitors around the space as well; so participants can walk around checking out some cool projects by others.” 

十月的画廊亮点是最新的贡献,连接当前的校园倡议集中在 innovation. Led by Kevin Snider, chancellor, 校园和跨部门合作伙伴一直在努力提高人们对技能和技术的认识,这些技能和技术是下一代的基础, fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0. 施耐德和校园也希望继续加强其实力 当地新肯辛顿社区的振兴工作——以创业创新为核心.

While some may associate Industry 4.0 with fields such as manufacturing, 工程或其他技术相关行业, all fields, including art, 正在被不断变化的技术环境所改变吗.

“From an educational standpoint, 观察VR艺术很好地展示了技术将如何继续改善生活的各个方面,” said Terrell, 他的公司在美国各地制作了展示和陈列柜.S. “通过理解在艺术中使用VR的巨大能力, viewers' own boundaries are also expanded.”

Terrell continued, “长期以来,计算机技术促进了平面设计领域的发展, 但它对艺术界其他领域的影响有限. 看到它的使用和与更传统的方法的联系, such as painting, 也能帮助促进它在其他领域的应用吗.”

The exhibit, which opens Oct. 1 and runs through Oct. 30, can be viewed in the campus Art Gallery. 由于画廊也作为学术课程和活动的教育空间, 市民可于下午三时三十分至八时参观展览.m. on weekdays and noon to 5 p.m. on weekends. 与画廊里的所有展览一样,参观展览不收取入场费.

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿的画廊每月都有当地的多媒体作品, regional, national and international artists. All exhibits are free to the public. 了解更多关于画廊的信息以及如何成为未来的参展商, contact Tina Booth, gallery director, at 724-334-6056 or [email protected].  More information can also be viewed at www.newkensington.wfnintr.net/art-gallery.
