免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 chancellor announces retirement

凯文·斯奈德 to retire from campus Dec. 经过16年的领导,31岁
凯文·斯奈德, chancellor, stands in front of lion shrine statue

凯文·斯奈德, chancellor of 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校 since 2008, announced his plans to retire from the University effective Dec. 31, 2024.


宾夕法尼亚州新肯辛顿. ——凯文·斯奈德, chancellor of 免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校, has announced his plans to retire from the University effective Dec. 31. 

Snider has served as the campus’ leader since 2008. 

“我有幸在免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校担任校长16年,斯奈德说。. “能与如此敬业的教职员工一起改变学生的生活是一种荣幸, and it is a pleasure to do that in an environment where people care about each other. When I arrived at 新肯辛顿, I started to work on building the campus and building the community. 我将永远感谢校园里的那些人,他们明白校园的未来和社区的未来是错综复杂的联系,并为繁荣的愿景而努力."

在他的领导下, the 新肯辛顿 campus has become known for embracing innovation, creating a student-centered environment, engaging with the local community, and continuing its history of excellence. Always putting the University’s land-grant mission at the forefront, 斯奈德一直是代表校园和大学的许多重大举措的驱动力, 包括: 

  • The founding of the Westmoreland Economic Development Corporation for Growth (WEDIG), a consortium of five local municipalities. 

  • 美国广播公司(ABC)创建, 这是一个由新肯辛顿校区主导的14个学区的合作项目,旨在通过STEAM教育课程和项目设计为该地区的下一代学生做好准备,并加强教育工作者的培训. 

  • 角落发射箱, one of Penn State’s first Invent Penn State innovation hubs, which opened in 2017 in the heart of downtown 新肯辛顿, 是哪个组织为该市的振兴工作奠定了基础,并为企业家和小企业主提供培训和指导, as well as low-cost coworking space. 

  • The Digital Foundry at 新肯辛顿, a 15,面积为044平方英尺的制造和技术中心,于2022年开业,位于Corner附近, created to bolster southwestern 宾西法尼亚's manufacturing, 劳动力, 教育n and community strength in future-ready skill sets and industry.  

  • Helping the campus secure millions of dollars in grants, 基金会, 公共和私人资金, 包括在宾夕法尼亚州西南部的“重建更好的地区挑战”(BBBRC)资助下领导三个项目.S. Economic Development 政府’s American Rescue Plan. These BBBRC projects include The Digital Foundry and The Corner serving as one of four regional innovation accelerators; the campus leading 为区内29所高等教育机构提供面向未来的专业发展计划; and expanding The Digital Foundry’s entry-level digital manufacturing certificate program to the Penn State Beaver and Greater Allegheny campuses this year.  

“Dr. 斯奈德的创新和创业精神使免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校处于劳动力教育工作的最前沿, preparing students with career-ready skill sets,Margo DelliCarpini说, vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and executive chancellor. “Dr. Snider’s ability to develop relationships with 政府, 教育, 在创建the 角落Launchbox和the Digital Foundry的过程中,我们的团队和社区表现非常出色, 他的成就将对我们的学生和周围的社区产生持久的影响.” 

通过他的工作, Snider has helped expand industry partnerships, future-ready knowledge and skill sets throughout the region, unique opportunities for 新肯辛顿 campus students, 和地区, state and national attention on the Alle-Kiski Valley region just north of Pittsburgh. 

“凯文的创新愿景和方法是新肯辛顿市振兴的重要因素,汤姆·古佐说, 新肯辛顿市长. “他推动免费mg不朽情缘试玩与The Corner和Digital Foundry一起成为我们市中心创新走廊的支柱,这将对后代产生影响. “角落”的项目帮助了许多新的小企业主准备实现他们的梦想并取得成功, 数字铸造厂将为现在和未来的智能制造和技术工作做好准备.”

自2008年上任以来, 斯奈德与像古佐这样的社区领袖合作,改变了城镇和大学伙伴关系的意义.

"Together with community partners, 我们在城市和社区之间建立了一种新的关系,并证明了这种关系可以给双方带来巨大的利益,斯奈德解释道。. “这是一段艰难的旅程, and we’ve created a fantastic base, and now it is time for others to take this model to the next level."

Guzzo补充说:“凯文应该为我们在市中心的成功获得如此多的赞誉. 如果没有凯文的想法和信心,免费mg不朽情缘试玩将在帮助振兴我们的城市方面发挥巨大作用,那么我们所取得的成就就不会发生.” 

The aforementioned projects are all part of 斯奈德的目标是创建一个可转移的模式,为快速变化的世界准备一个铁锈地带社区, known by some as the fourth industrial revolution or Digital Age. Through the development of Nextovation, 这是一个包容性和协作性的倡议,专注于新肯辛顿市在新数字经济中的真正变革和振兴, Snider has engaged more than 30 corporate, 政府, 教育, 基金会 and community partners. nextoinnovation的目标是通过拥抱和促进商业各个领域的创新来建立未来的可持续性, 教育水平, 政府 and throughout the entire community.  

“我为我们在创新和为数字时代做好准备方面取得的成就感到无比自豪,斯奈德说. “我们开创性的nextoinnovation方法无缝融合了K-12教育的倡议, 员工发展, 创业, 教师的未来准备, 社区参与, 经济振兴, and higher 教育 programming sets a precedent for regions worldwide. 跨部门的合作努力确保了Alle-Kiski山谷培养了一支具备数字时代技能的劳动力队伍, spanning all 教育 levels and occupations, and it is both humbling and truly remarkable."

Before his retirement in December, 斯奈德会帮助梅根·内格尔, current chancellor and chief academic officer of Penn State Greater Allegheny, assume leadership as part of the University’s new regional leadership model

“我很感激. 斯奈德同意留任到12月,以便领导权平稳过渡,DelliCarpini说. “他对高等教育领导的战略方法和他的思想伙伴关系对我来说非常宝贵.” 

Snider’s rise in administration and higher 教育n began at American University, where he was an adjunct faculty member and institutional research analyst. He then moved to Indiana State University where he served in multiple roles, including director of institutional research and testing, assistant vice president of institutional research and assessment, 在成为校长办公厅主任和校长战略规划的执行助理之前,他是负责招生管理的临时助理副校长, institutional research and effectiveness. 

他在旧金山州立大学获得国际关系学士和硕士学位,在美利坚大学获得政治学博士学位. 他和他的妻子, 莎拉, currently live in Allegheny Township and are proud parents of Andrew and Tyler, 两人都毕业于免费mg不朽情缘试玩. After his retirement at the end of December, 他计划继续帮助学生和社区,并有额外的时间从事爱好,比如写歌, 划船和读书.